When you think of the most beneficial tea, what comes to mind?  If you’re like most people it’s probably green tea.  But today I’m talking to you about a POWERHOUSE tea.  Far more beneficial than green tea and with properties that will excite anyone with PCOS, Leaky Gut, Lyme Disease, or any infections.  In fact, this tea is great for so many issues.  It’s a MUST HAVE.  Introducing, Cistus Incanus!Cistus Incanus for PCOS Leaky Gut Lyme Disease

Cistus Incanus is a miracle tea.  Quite possibly the most beneficial tea on Earth.  It’s a very popular tea in Europe, but not in the US.  Not for its flavor, which is a bit tangy and bitter, but not unpleasant.  It’s popular for medicinal benefits and a common go-to home remedy.

What is Cistus Incanus?

Cistus Incanus is a plant also know as CYSTUS052. Cistus is also a genus of flowering plants in the rockrose family.  However Rock Rose encompasses all of the genus Cistus, and it does not mean it’s the same species as Cistus Incanus. Be extra careful you are getting the correct type when searching for the tea.

Some of the species that are useful are C. ladanifer, c. salvifolius, C. crispus, c. albidus – these are most similar to incanus. Still, c.populifolius, C. libanotis, C. clusii, C. laurifolius and C. monspeliensis will all have benefits.  I recommend looking up each species you are interested in before use.

Plants growing in the Mediterranean-type ecosystems endure multiple stressors and harsh conditions– such as water deficiency, high solar irradiance, and high temperatures. These Mediterranean plants have high levels of polyphenols to protect them against these stressors.  In return, it’s the polyphenols in these resilient plants that contain the antioxidants that ultimately improve our health.   

Uses of Cistus Incanus

Cistus Incanus tea has been used for centuries to boost the immune system, heal wounds, mouthwash, and as a beautifying facial toner.

Cistus Incanus is known for its ridiculously high levels of antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds. Plant-derived polyphenols have been shown to be strong antioxidants with potential health benefits who have antiviral and antibacterial potential.  It has shown promising evidence against the influenza virus without exhibiting toxic effects.

Significant results supporting the use of this plant were found in a clinical study consisting of 300 patients with upper respiratory infections. Part of the group was treated with Cistus Incanus and another group with green tea over a period of time. It was found that those patients treated with Cistus Incanus had significantly less respiratory infection symptoms than those patients treated with green tea.

Another study which included 160 patients with the common cold found that symptoms also decreased significantly over the course of treatment with Cistus Incanus, whereas treatment with placebo resulted in a less distinct decrease of symptoms.

  • May help with symptoms of Lyme disease 
  • Slows the aging process due to antioxidant activity
  • Helps with urinary tract infections
  • Antiviral activity against viruses that cause life-threatening diseases
  • Inhibits HIV infections,  Ebola, and Marburg virus 
  • Protects DNA
  • Has antibacterial properties, prevents Streptococcus mutations
  • Promotes dental health
  • Has antioxidant properties and eliminates free radicals
  • Reduces the symptoms of the common cold and upper respiratory infections
  • Anti-influenza virus activity
  • Antifungal properties
  • Demonstrates potent anti-inflammatory activity

Cistus Incanus for PCOS Leaky Gut Lyme Disease

How to use the Most Beneficial Tea: Cistus Incanus

Firstly, I would say to treat this tea as medicinal.  Do not consume over long periods of time without first discussing with your herbalist. The following are my recommendations, but you should seek an herbalist or traditional medicine physician’s advice as well.

How to Properly Brew Cistus Incanus Tea

Drinking as a tea, you MUST reuse the same tea bag 3 times* in a day to get maximum benefits.  Steep for 10-15 minutes.  Do not use boiling water.  Instead, let boiling water sit for a minute or two before steeping tea.

*This just means you brew the tea once, drink, then reuse the same tea bag 2 more times.

To extract all the benefits of the tea without having to brew 3 times, use this method. Brew 13 grams (about 2 1/5 tsp) in a liter (about 4 1/2 cups) of filter water between 167F and 194F for 35 minutes. You will need a tea brewer that hold set temperature or to check the temperature during brewing.

When choosing water to brew you Cistus Incanus tea, low to no mineral content is vital.  This can be achieved by purchasing distilled water or using a filtration system that removes all minerals.About Kat

Boost the immune system (cold and respiratory infection remedy):

Cistus Incanus Tincture, 2 dropperfuls three times per day or Cistus Incanus Tea, start with 2 cups per day, slowly increase to 8 cups per day during active virus or infection.

Heal wounds:


With itching, irritable skin, neurodermatitis and acne Cistus soothes very fast: dab the concentrated infusion (10g of tea in 200ml of water, cook for about 5 minutes) onto the skin with a sponge twice a day and allow it to dry. If required, every other time you can then apply the Cistus cream (a pure natural cosmetics, information about sources see above). In addition drink, at least a glass of Cistus tea a day, best before breakfast in the morning. A skin cure should be carried out for at least 4 to 6 weeks. Also here the Cistus washings are supplemented by drinking tea (a liter daily like for detoxification). In addition, you should drink 2 liters of still water low in mineral content.


In folk medicine, Cistus is also applied in poultices. For bacterial infections, hemorrhoids and allergies the herb is boiled in a little hot water, put into a mixer and made into a pulp. Apply it to the affected area and let it be absorbed for about 20 minutes. Then rinse off and optionally apply some Cistus cream.

As a mouthwash:

Use the dried Cistus Incanus, mint and a small amount of alcohol. To prepare the liquid must be drawn up ¾ cup infusion of Cistus  Incanus(of tablespoons of dried herb) and 1/3 cup of mint infusion (tablespoon mint), and 1/3 cup of sage infusion (a teaspoon of sage). Three infusions brew 20 minutes covered, then pour into a container and add a teaspoon of spirits or 3 teaspoons of vodka. Mix, then store in a glass bottle. Cistus Incanus with prolonged use whitens teeth and acts as an astringent.

Beautifying facial toner:

Dab the skin with concentrated tea twice a day, for a significantly cleaner and healthier complexion even with acne and neurodermatitis just after four weeks.


Drink tea throughout the day, remembering to brew each 3 times to extract all benefits.  Add high dose Vitamin C pills (not flavored or chewable).  Also, consider parsley tea.  For pain dilute baking soda in water and drink.  Drink cranberry juice without additives, other mixed juices, or sweeteners.  Real cranberry juice is very tart but may be diluted with water.


Benefits may be achieved via drinking the tea, taking the tincture, and using topically on the skin.


Brew tea and add to a foot bath or use as a compress topically.


Drink tea throughout the day when suffering from inflammation.

Lyme Disease:

For dealing with symptoms of Lyme Disease, general dosing guidelines are as follows: Cistus Incanus Tincture, 2 dropperfuls three times per day or Cistus Incanus Tea, start with 2 cups per day, slowly increase to 8 cups per day during active Lyme.

Prevent Tick Bites:

To help prevent tick and other types of insect bites. General dosing guidelines are as follows: Cistus Incanus Tincture, 2 dropperfuls three times per day or Cistus Incanus Tea, start with 2 cups per day, slowly increase to 8 cups per day. This should begin a week or so before you plan to be exposed to ticks.  Such as before a camping trip or during tick season, if you live in a high tick activity area.  For new tick bites see HERE.

To help prevent tick bites ongoing drink 3 cups per day.  Remember to use the same tea bag up to 3 times to extract all the phytonutrients.  For taste, you may mix the tea with Chamomile, Jasmine or Hibiscus.

YES!  You may give the tea to pets for tick protection.  For dogs and cats, you can make the tea for them or crush the tea and sprinkle it over their food.  Give 1 tsp per day per 10 lbs of body weight.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Content from this website and blog are not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.  The information provided on this website is intended for general consumer understanding and entertainment only.  Some links are an affiliate, which may give us a small commission. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.  As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website.  I recommend working with a doctor that practices FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE.  If you are near Miami, message me and I’ll be happy to recommend some.
