Kat Khatibi Podcast

Podcast Topics

Averaging 700-2000 Listens Per Episode
Pitch Yourself as a Guest to the PODCAST by Completing the Form Below or Sending the Form Details to me at
TheHealthfulGypsy @ Gmail.com
Examples Of What We DON'T Want
- Business Advice
- Motivational Speaking
- Hard Selling, No Substance
- Politics ANYTHING
- Biography | Your Life story
- Personal Struggles (shouldn't be about your story, more science or helping audience based)
- Disturbing Topics (disordered eating, serious addiction, or abuse)
- Personally Branded Terminology (living "fearlessly")
- Not answering with helpful advice, and referring to product or course
- Mocking People For Not Sharing Your Beliefs
- Mindset
- Subjects That Are Too Broad Or Don't Make Sense
- Children/Teen Parenting Issues
- Divorce/Co-parenting (preventing divorce is ok)
- Inspiring Personal Stories
- Infertility or Pregnancy Loss (Increasing fertility ok)
- Sex as a main topic
- Burnout or Stress (already did way too much on these topics)
- Nothing on Self Care
- Generally, Coaches (except Relationship Coaches) are not a fit unless backed with serious science
- Will NOT promote a strict vegan diet
- Nothing on Essential Oils
- Absolutely NO MLM
- No woke topics
Examples Of What We WANT
- How To's
- Educational
- Scientifically Based Advice
- Actionable Takeaway Advice that Doesn't Require Buying Your Product or Service
- Step-By-Step
- Signs and Symptoms
- Red Flags
- Easy Swaps
- Research
- Relavant Statistics
- Recipes
- Protocols
Topics I'm Currently Looking to Cover
Red Pill
Modern Dating
Decline of Marriage in Western societies
Rasing sons in single mother households
Crohn’s Disease
Herbology and Herbal Medicine
Regenerative Farming
Plastic Surgery
Fibrosis and Scar Tissue Removal
Make Sure Your Computer and Internet Meet Streamyard Requirements
Form To Pitch Yourself As A Guest
Please allow a few days to weeks for a response on new applications.
Frequently Asked Questions
NO, in order to avoid confusion as well as have the link lost in emails. I send the link the day before or the day of the interview.
I do not use a digital calendar, therefore I am unable to send you a link. I prefer pen and paper. Once you are scheduled, rest assured you are in my physical calendar.
Due to the enormous requests I receive, I am unable to reply to all requests. Over 90% of all applicants fail to read what I am NOT looking for above the application form. This causes a lot of people to apply who are not a good fit for the podcast.
Another common reason is not having a clear and concise topic and questions that can easily cover an hour long interview at minimum.
If it would be hard to come up with one clear title topic for your episode, please work on creating a more concise topic and reapply when ready.
Other than the above reasons, it may still take me a few months to replay during holidays and breaks.
I appreciate your patience as this is a solo podcast.
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Formerly called the Healthful Gypsy Podcast. New name, same great taste.