Healing IBS & How Your Diet is Making You Gain Weight with Laura Martin
Learn how to properly heal your gut from IBS and how your diet is making you gain weight with Laura Martin.
Fab diets work for a while then you always rebound. You’ll learn how to check your metabolism and why avoid carbs, dairy, etc. are not the key to health and weight-loss.
- What is IBS?
- What are some common myths on gut health?
- How does anxiety and stress impact our gut health?
- What is the difference between leaky gut and IBS?
- Do we need to eliminate foods to heal our gut?
- What are the worst fad diets?
- Why are antacids bad for reflux long term?
- Are so many people really lactose intolerant?
- What are some must avoid food additives?
and so much more!
Laura Martin is a Holistic Gut Healing Mentor. After suffering with IBS, hyperthyroidism, skin issues, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety she was finally able to put them into remission. She has since gone on to help IBS strugglers all over the world recover.
Reach Laura:
Reach Kat:
KatKhatibi @ Gmail.com
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Balance Your Hormones:
TRY Femminessence to Balance Hormones Naturally
Use code KAT15 for 15% off any single supplement. And search for our episode with Dr. Mona Fahoum to learn how it works.
Kat's Episode Takeaways
Adrenal Cocktail
Orange juice or Coconut Water 1cup
Cream of Tartar teaspoon
Collagen Powder
Replace Your Minerals:
Add pink Himalayan Salt to water
Typical Day:
Coconut Sugar
Coconut Milk
Protein Powder
Cooked Greens
Example Tuna Sandwich with steamed Veggies on the side
Raw Carrot Salad
Adrenal Cocktail
Turkey Tacos
Protein Muffin with Greek Yogurt and Fruits
- 4 Belly Breathes before and after eating to calm your adrenals
- Sit and eat
Have healthy snacks handy - Meal Prep so you don’t have to cook or make decisions after a long day
- Don’t buy anything with PUFAS for your home. Cook with butter, ghee
- Take digestive Enzymes:
Enzymedia Digestive Gold - Take Vitamin E to help absorb the PUFAs
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