Today we will be talking about nearsightedness and the possibility it may be reversable. Our guest, Jake Steiner claims just that.

How to improve nearsightedness with Jake Steiner
Glasses are a 100 billion dollar-a-year industry. They’re “prescriptions” only after millions of dollars spent lobbying.
Accepting nearsightedness is limiting the quality of life. From mood to social behavior to sports and general well-being, eyesight is important.
- -What is myopia?
- -Is nearsightedness genetic?
- -Why do we need glasses?
- -Why are glasses so expensive?
- -Why are glasses prescriptions?
- -Can bad eyesight be reversed?
- -and so much more!
Our Guest Jake Steiner
Jake Steiner is a (semi-retired) stock trader and investor. His personal passion is understanding human eyesight – and has spent the past 20 years in vision biology science, exploring nearsightedness prevention and reversal methods.
Jake hosts the Web’s largest vision improvement community with many tens of thousands of participants and has written over 1,200 articles on vision biology and myopia control.
Reach Jake Steiner
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Find 1,200+ free eyesight guides, access to our 16,000 member Facebook group, our forum, and more at
Troubleshooting your progress: endmyopia YouTube playlist
Free DIY not enough? Want help? Check for available courses.
We see myopia as a refractive state. Not an error, and certainly not an illness or medical condition. We explore scientific ideas here, not medical ones. Any advice and suggestions provided by Jake or @endmyopia is 100% unlicensed, unsanctioned, un-endorsed by the optometry establishment – because we discuss science and not medicine. Everything we discuss is also highly experimental, and you should absolutely always seek a sanctioned opinion if you are experiencing health issues or medical concerns. Lens use specific comments are for discussion only, and should not be considered medical advice, nor any of other suggestions provided herein. Depending on your local laws you may need to consult a local optometrist for prescriptions and medical advice. When driving, or any activity requiring full 20/20 vision, you should always wear your glasses that provide the full correction necessary for the task. If you have symptoms that might require medical attention, please visit an ophthalmologist or hospital!
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