Connecting the Dots Between the Gut, Liver, and Thyroid
Take control of your health with Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Jenn Malecha on today’s podcast. We talk gut issues, your sluggish liver, Thyroid issues, environmental toxins and so much more!
- -How can you use testing to heal your body?
- -Why do you think so many women, in particular, are being diagnosed with thyroid issues?
- -How can one support their thyroid health naturally?
- -Environmental toxins and how to avoid them
- -Are there any foods or supplements that you find beneficial for thyroid health?
- -Do you recommend liver cleanses, or castor oil packs, supplements, teas, or something else to ease the burden on the liver?
- -Why do you say that sleep is more important than diet and exercise?
- -Could you give us an example of your daily routines. Any practices, supplements, foods, that you try to do on a daily basis for optimal health and wellness?
- -and so much more!
Our Guest Jenn Malecha
Jenn Malecha is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and trained in NLP neurolinguistic programming who works with health-minded professional to take back control of their health and wellness.
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